Saturday, June 21, 2008

Pittsburgh Zoo

The Pittsburgh Zoo is unique in that after buying your tickets you jump on a escalator and go a couple of hundred feet and then your in the zoo. The Pittsburgh Zoo is developing new ideas and facilities constantly.

The newest area is the Water's Edge, which houses the zoos polar bear and sea otters, and allows the guest to get a view the bears in an underwater tunnel. Pittsburgh also has an African region(elephants, giraffe, lion, rhino, and giraffes), Asia(Amur tigers, leopards, Komondo dragons), North America( otter, beaver, and avairy) and Primate World( gorilla, gibbons, orangs, and monkeys) But the most unique area to me is the zoos aquarium.

The Aquarium allow the visitor to see a tremoundous amount of sea life, from sea stars to barracuda and sharks. As well as penguins, stringrays, fresh and saltwater fish. But my favorite is the mini rainforest that houses tamarin(a very small primate), poison frogs, and Amazon Basin Pond.

1 comment:

kanga13 said...

OH MY GOSH, this zoo is the best zoo for kids!! It has lot's of fun animals and sections of the zoo. I recomned it to any age though!